Parts and Help for the Do it Yourselfer.

Here are some of the components the Do it Yourselfer might need and a little knowledge from the experts.

  • Grid-tie and off-grid systems
  • Inverters
  • Charge controllers
  • Array combiners
  • DC disconnects
  • Blades
  • Nose cones
  • More

A Wind Resource map, System Sizing calculator, and all components can be found in the link list on the right.

Power Inverters. What are they? Do I need One?


Power inverters. What are they. Do I need one. A power inverter changes electrical current from Direct current to Alternating current. Most wind turbines generate power in DC. (direct current)  This is the type power the alternator on your car generates. If you run 12 or 24 volts items such as lights or pumps, you do not need an inverter. You will need batteries to store power for later use.  If you intend on running household items  such as TV's, computers, lights, etc, you will need a power inverter. These things run on AC. (alternating current) Whether you will be Grid-tie or use batteries for storage you will need an inverter to run 120/240v appliances.

Power inverters start around 30 dollars and go up according to size and design. Selecting a power inverter involves many factors such as wattage, type of power needed, etc. A pure sine inverter delivers CLEAN power, free from static and power fluctuations that could be harmful to some appliances such as computers. Choosing your power inverter is an important step in your installation. Take your time making your decision. Keep in mind bigger is better in choosing an inverter. Buying a small inverter limits the amount of power you can generate later. Resources and components can be found in the links list on the right.

The average do it yourselfer probably could not build a furnace for their home, but there are small things you can build.

A solar heat exchanger is a simple wooden box with a 2x4 or 2x6 frame painted flat black with holes or slots cut into the box frame and the wall of the building it will be mounted to. Cold air will naturally be pulled in the bottom, heated and forced out the top. It is recommended a black mesh cloth be attached 2 -3 inches inward from the front, hanging from the top down. Mesh must be used to allow air to move freely through it. Cover the front with glass or plexiglass.Weatherproofing the box and the points it attaches to the building is highly recommended.

A simple wind turbine to power outdoor lights or small buildings can be made with an alternator and batteries for power storage. Using a General Motors alternator with a built in regulator eliminates the need for complicated wiring. Loop the two field wires together and run the power wire to the batteries. (10 - 12 awg ) Adding this to your windmill ornament or building a design of your own can help save a little money and make you a little more energy independent.